Gold And Financial Privacy ~ The Gold Blog

Gold And Financial Privacy

With today’s world of central banking and central bank issued fiat currency the concept of financial privacy may seem alien to many. Some may even think the aspect of wanting financial privacy means that you are someone doing something illegal or devious at best. This can not be further from the truth; the aspect of wanting financial privacy is to protect the individuals who may engage in activities that may be legal but counterproductive to the state or any of its agendas.

Also not all laws are created equal; history has shown that governments can often create laws to enhance its own power even if it means violating the rights of its citizens. If there is no financial privacy what is to stop a power hungry government from seizing the assets of a peaceful opposition to their power? Also what is to stop a government from seizing assets unjustly? Some may point to constitutions or any other documents that governments are to follow. But when is the last time a government servant with any real power been indicted, tried, and jailed for violating any constitution.

Gold bullion is one of the best ways to have inflation proof savings outside of central banking or fiat currency influence. Gold coins and gold bars is also a good way to privately pass down wealth to your progeny without state interference. There are many reasons to advocate for financial privacy; one of the most important ones is the fact that governments are our servants and not our masters.

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Gold And Financial Privacy ~ The Gold Blog