The Coming Gold Jubilee? ~ The Gold Blog

The Coming Gold Jubilee?

I am almost reluctant to write about this, but this is a scenario that has been popping up in my head from time to time. What is the gold jubilee you may ask; it is one of the scenarios that can play out with a worldwide financial and currency collapse. If you know or understand how most governments (counterfeit) “create” money by selling government securities to its central bank, you will know these securities or bonds are back by tax revenue. What happens when because of inflation or deflation that the tax revenue is not enough to sell and governments don’t have enough to function? The securities and the currency become worthless.

Now that securities and the currency in this scenario are worthless anything that is back by securities and that currency that does not have real assets backing it be comes worthless. At this point you may think I am just rambling on but I must show how the dominoes in this scenario falls one after each other. Most governments use other nation securities to back some of there own currency. If a significant amount of those securities become worthless then that nation’s currency becomes worthless. Now for the big domino the derivatives market which is almost 65 trillion dollars.

Wealth which I stated many times before is desired work and can not be destroyed only if real goods (things that took desired work to make or cultivate) and services (actions and tools that takes desired work to perform) are destroyed. Since a financial and currency worldwide collapse will not destroy real tangible assets; all the preserved wealth that was in debt instruments like fiat currency, derivatives, bonds, and securities will rush into gold coins, gold bars or any real tangible asset. A scenario like this may be unlikely but not impossible to occur. The gold jubilee part comes in when people come to the realization that any debt they had is denominated in a currency that is now virtually worthless and their tangible assets can pay it off a hundred times fold.

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The Coming Gold Jubilee? ~ The Gold Blog