Why Buy Gold ~ The Gold Blog

Why Buy Gold

Why buy gold is a good question for any one who is not familiar with the aspects that make gold a good investment. Gold has and will always be money. The reason for this is gold has properties that other investments don’t have. If you have physical gold the cost is next to nothing to store it. Gold is an investment that does not take any money to maintain it. One other aspect of gold is that it is the same once it is pure, no matter what time or what place it was mined. Gold has the ability to be combined, separated and does not rust or tarnish.

Another aspect to answer the question why buy gold first you must know and understand what wealth is. Desired work is wealth. Any good or service takes desired work to perform, create, or cultivate. Gold has been proven throughout history to be one of the best mediums to store, combine or separate desired work i.e. wealth. Since gold takes desired work to mined, it only takes wealth to produce more gold. Also this means that there is a limit on how much gold that can be mined in any given time.

One last aspect to answer the question why buy gold, is to preserve your wealth. History has shown that if anyone had gold and passed it on to their progeny (Barring losing or spending it all) it would still be able to trade for anything that is for sale once you have enough gold. Last but not least gold will always be worth something. If you invest in the wrong stock or have the wrong government fiat currency you can lose your wealth over night. In conclusion I hope this answers the main question why buy gold.

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Why Buy Gold ~ The Gold Blog