Where is Gold Found ~ The Gold Blog

Where is Gold Found

Gold is found in a lot of places around the world, but the top four nations to the question where is gold found is South Africa , Australia, China and the United States. In South Africa the place that has the most concentrate of gold is The Witwatersrand Basin also known as the Rand. The Rand has the world’s largest reserves of gold. More than 30% of the world’s gold came from the Rand. The place in Australia that has the most concentrate of gold is Western Australia, The nation's largest state. The place in China that has the most concentrate of gold is Shandong, which names means east of the mountain. The place in the United States that has the most concentrate of gold is Nevada, the seventh largest state in the United States. These places can change overtime when gold mines become depleted or if new or more productive mines are found. Some things that can affect the production of gold mines are the price of gold. If the price of gold becomes too low some mining companies will stop producing new mines or shut down old ones that are not profitable. If gold prices are too high mining companies will produce new mines or scale up production in older mines. This is one way how gold relative purchasing power stays constant throughout so many millennia because of this unknowable equilibrium in gold production.

Where is Gold Found Top 10 Nations

1. China
2. South Africa
3. United States
4. Australia
5. Indonesia
6. Peru
7. Russia
8. Canada
9. Papau New Guinea
10. Ghana

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Where is Gold Found ~ The Gold Blog